Welcome to JLM Nonprofit Consulting & Grant writing

Grant Writing and Coaching on a Budget

Consider these statements:

  • Your nonprofit needs additional funding.
  • You would like to learn how to write successful grant proposals so you can diversify and increase your revenue source.
  • You need more volunteers and/or learn how to retain them.
  • You are an Executive Director/CEO at a nonprofit organization and feel as though you are getting burned out.

Can you relate to any of the above statements? If so, I’m here to tell you that you’re not alone. These are some of the concerns most nonprofit professionals deal with (too) frequently and I would love to help you get these problems out of your way.

Click here to see how you can improve the quality of your life and your nonprofit.

Visit “Courses” to learn more about our Grant Writing Courses and Consulting opportunities!

Sign up below for our FREE Grant Writing mini-course and learn the basics of putting together a successful grant proposal!