Author: JessicaR

  • Burnout Prevention: Essential Strategies for Nonprofit Professionals

    When asked why they work for a nonprofit organization, most professionals state passion as a primary reason. We know that we’ll likely not get rich by working in a small or medium-sized nonprofit but because of our passion for the organization’s mission, we happily take the pay cut and spend more than 40 hours either… Read more

  • Make a Profit! Increase Nonprofit Revenue through Sponsorships

    Fundraising can be stressful. Not everyone likes to ask for donations and unfortunately grants can be hard to come by. You may think that sponsorships for nonprofits are just for events such as 5Ks, Casino Nights, and more, but you can actually create an annual sponsorship package for your organization. Read on and learn more… Read more

  • Time for your Annual Report

    The year is coming to an end and while we are still enjoying the Christmas parties, lights, and Holiday spirit, we are beginning to think about the next year. This is a great time to reflect on what you’ve accomplished, who helped you along the way, and any challenges that came your way. Annual Reports… Read more

  • Diversify Your Funding

    Money, money, money…. an important part of any business, but especially for nonprofit organizations that provide services at a lower price, or even for free. I frequently see newly formed nonprofits where the board or staff want to apply for grants right away. Although there are exceptions to the rule, grants are not awarded unless… Read more